Kisma Orbovich is one of the newest global leaders in spirituality and transformation and I have had the great pleasure to learn of her work at a recent training event we both attended. We found common ground on many topics,...
Can you imagine leaving your family and everything you’ve known at 16 years old to immigrate to the United States? I had the good fortune to meet a lovely bright young woman through one of my networking events who specializes...
Do you have a dream board, vision board, or journal with your desires written down? If you don’t, you should! I am a proponent of this practice and I believe that the laws of attraction work using these techniques. The...
In an instant life changes. Most of the time we can correct our course and get back on track relatively quickly. Sometimes the changes are life-altering. Sometimes the changes are life ending. Yesterday was not a great day for Luke...
Do you ever feel subjugated by the unrealistic images we see portrayed of a strong woman? Today I was searching for images of “brave women” for this post. I was disappointed with what I found. The pictures were of women...
Labor Day is gone, and we are now racing towards the final quarter of the year, with the holiday season rushing towards us. This is also the time of year, as a sales manager, that I would begin reviewing my...
Are you trying to find a way to generate the kind of money that would give you the freedom to work from home, to travel, to pay your bills, to build your dream home, or to take care of loved...
We begin new journeys on our own. We decide on a goal, and we are off and running towards our destination. Sometimes we are chasing our dreams, and other times we are trying to climb our way out of the...
This post is about self-validation and sticking to it. In May, I began a Keto Lifestyle Plan. I wanted to reshape my brain and body using this low-carb, high fat, moderate protein meal program. Keto wasn’t new to me. I...
One of my favorite authors is SARK. I’ve read most of her books, “The Bodacious Book of Succulence,” “Live Juicy,” and most recently “Juicy Pens Thirsty Paper” along with several of her other books. Her works are unique because they...
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