This summer has been full of endings and new beginnings. I suppose you can’t have one without the other, an end of something naturally leads to a new beginning. Sometimes we know just when this is happening, like today as...
I’m breaking away from yesterday one day at a time and building my best tomorrow. That does not mean that my days are free and clear of cow pies along the way. Somedays, I feel knee deep in the manure....
The words Cluck, Howl, Crow came to me out of thin air two years ago when I decided to test myself and begin the Live Your Legend seven day blog challenge. You may think of cluck, howl, crow, as silly...
The alarm goes off at 5:00 am. I find that even before that, my brain is starting to leave my dreams and slowly awaken. It only takes my mind moments to fire up and begin launching into a series of...
Time exploded on me today. The last two years came flying at me in bits of photographic shrapnel. It started when I looked back at one of my first blog posts. It was in July of 2016, and I had...
This week has been dedicated to working behind the scenes on my blog correcting codes, adding plugins, and eternally chatting with the helpdesk across the globe. It has also delayed what I truly wanted to be doing, writing a new...
There are 172 days left in the year to start doing more of the things that you love or want to explore. Here are some of the things I have made time for so far this year that delight me....
Fuzzy brain is a real thing, and I have been suffering from the condition for a while. Currently, I’m fighting this battle with a new weapon, a Ketogenic Diet lifestyle. Yes, that is right. I’m now one of the millions...
When you have young children, life suddenly changes at the end of each May. School is out, and summer vacation begins, adding seven more hours of direct supervision of my dear little one. We are on vacation in lovely Cape...
What I’m saying, and what my children are hearing, are two different things. Apparently, this is universal because Charles M. Schultz, the creator of The Peanuts comics, demonstrated this when his child characters were speaking to adults the voice answered back:...
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