I’d love to tell you that I’m sitting in a beautiful forest next to a babbling brook absorbing the sunlight on my skin as I unearth more about my inner truths. Regrettably, I am just sitting in my child’s carpool line listening to Brene Brown’s newest book “Braving the Wilderness.” It is a timely read or listen for almost anyone right now. Our world has become increasingly wilder every day. The kind of wild where people shoot off not only their mouths on idealistic rants but by shooting other people in mass. I have chosen this book to help me sort out where I fit in today’s narrative and how I want to express that in my life. Brene uses an acronym using the word BRAVING: Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Non-Judgement, and Generosity. These principles become a platform for finding and living in your truth. These are unquestionably a helpful framework for checking in with myself when I am feeling anxiousabout the state of current affairs that occur almost daily as a result of the intensive messaging we are barraged with by media outlets of all sorts. The fear I feel when I want to talk about what is happening and share my grief or exhalation can be debilitating. This book is giving me hope that I will find my voice. That I will be able to share my heart more openly with others in a way that will allow me to maintain my integrity and find new ways to connect with others more intimately and grant me the presence of mind to begin releasing the toxic build up from my life. Hopefully, then I will be able to see the forest for the trees and soak up our deep-rooted connectivity in a world where we are all still growing and reaching upwards competing for our piece of sky.
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