I will never run out of things to say, but technology may stop me from saying them the way I want to. Everyone talks about how easy it is to blog. That statement should be “it is easy to write your thoughts down using a computer.” Blogging online using some form of an electronic platform that will share your words, images, and videos is difficult for most of us getting started. For the last several weeks I’ve been searching for a WordPress Theme that will allow me to present my work in a simple format. Sounds simple enough right? I’ve lost count of how many platforms I’ve tried. In addition to my trial and error, I receive constant email solicitations to help me set up my page from all over the world. Why isn’t this as simple as using my iPhone? I guess that is why Instagram and Pinterest are so successful. Why can’t I blog like that? I want to write down my thoughts and maybe add a photo to help me describe what I’m feeling or thinking. Do I use Facebook? That has an entire set of filters of its own. There must be a way to work through this web of WordPress mania. The struggle of an artist for generations has been that their talent for creation is high, but their ability to promote it and share it with the world is low. Who knows what beauty and insight are being missed because of this gap in capabilities.
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